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Here in Britain, we’re used to being able to turn on a tap and get as much water as we need. As a result, it’s easy to forget how much we depend on reliable, predictable rainfall and on the systems we have in place to process it.

If we don’t get enough rain, we can be plunged into prolonged droughts that have a serious impact on the amount of water we’re able to access and use. In contrast, if we get too much rain, we may be subjected to floods. Raw rainwater can also carry diseases and toxins, which means it has to be processed before we can safely use it. Ergo, if a water processing facility failed, many people could lose access to clean water.

But do you really need to worry about these possibilities?

In a sense, the answer is ‘no’. It would take a very extreme drought, flood or clean water shortage to seriously endanger you, after all. However, droughts, loss of access to clean water and flooding can have a serious impact on your quality of life, even if they don’t threaten your life itself. What’s more, these phenomena are likely to become more common as a result of ongoing climate change.

Luckily, you can defend yourself against rainwater-related crises with several simple tools.

Firstly, you’ll need gear that can help you deal with a water shortage or drought. You can invest in a well or borehole, these can be an amazing way to obtain water when clean water isn’t coming out of your tap. You’ll also need a water pump and storage tank, so that you can extract and store the water from your well or borehole, and a water filtration system to make it usable. If you plan on actually drinking it, you should also invest in specialised technology or chemicals that can make water safe to drink.

Secondly, you’ll need some extra pumps to help you fight off floods. In the event of a flood, you’ll need powerful devices that can be used to pump flood waters out of your property as quickly as possible. We’d reccomend a submersible pump for this job. While pumps can’t prevent flooding, they can help you deal with the aftermath and get back to normal as quickly as possible.

If you invest in a borehole, a pump specifically for that borehole, pumps that can be deployed to combat flooding, water storage facilities and water filtering technology, you will be able to cope with any water crisis that you have to face. We offer a range of water pumps and filters here at Anglian Pumping Services, so check out our range today. We also include drilling boreholes as a part of our services.

If you have any questions on any of the above then do not hesitate to get in contact with us on 01473 719950