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The hardness of tap water is a topic that often comes up in conversation when two people from different parts of a country take a sip of H2O.

How your tap water tastes, feels or looks can even become a source of pride for many people, with some going as far as to claim that a certain type of water is more or less healthy than the other!

In this blog post, we take a look at the difference between the two types.

The science

Let’s begin by drilling it down to the scientific basics. Hard water is water that has been combined with dissolved minerals such as magnesium or calcium, usually picked up while flowing through the ground in the rain cycle. It is found in places like London and East Anglia where it runs through limestone and chalk.

Soft water is water that has not been exposed to these substances, and as a result has usually only been treated with sodium. Wales, Cornwall and most of Scotland have soft water. When rainwater first falls, it is soft – but it becomes harder as it passes through the ground.

Which is better?

It’s often claimed that hard water is better for you because of the minerals it naturally contains. Calcium is good for promoting healthy bones and teeth, while magnesium is vital for muscle and nerve function and protein synthesis. Hard water is often argued to taste better, but is not always as good when it comes to chores like cleaning as it can encourage limescale. This limescale can damage the efficieny of your kettle and your shower head.

What are the solutions?

If you’re not happy with your water quality, Anglian Pumping’s water filtration products are effective at destroying toxins in water while preserving the minerals that are vital to our health.

Or why not consider installing a borehole pump? Properties with a borehole drilled into the ground enjoy their own private water supply which is free from fluorides and which can often provide self-sufficiency and more cost-effective water rates. Providing they are maintained correctly, they can be a source of quality water for years to come.

For more information about the services Anglian Pumping can offer you, contact us today.