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The concept of filtered water is still surrounded by critics, many of whom dismiss the idea as unnecessary and pretentious, with many water supplies deemed to be of a high enough standard for consumption.

However, there are real health benefits of filtering your drinking water. Here are just a few of them:

It removes health risks of chlorine

One of the most common forms of disinfecting our water supply is to add chlorine. However, there is increasingly strong evidence to suggest that prolonged consumption of chlorine can heighten the risk of certain health problems.

According to the US Council of Environmental Quality, drinking chlorinated water increases the risk of developing cancer by 93% compared to those that do not.

Dr Robert Carlson, a researcher from the University of Minnesota, added that the “chlorine problem” is as pressing a health concern as air pollution.

It protects against contaminants

Water is likely to be relatively free of dirt and other contaminants when it leaves the treatment works, but the sheer distance it has to travel before getting to your taps means there is ample opportunity for it to pick up something harmful. Pipes can be affected by rust and other problems, particularly if they have not been cleaned or serviced for a prolonged spell of time.

While consumers are unlikely to be able to spot any such contaminants, it doesn’t mean they are not there. Using a filter helps to eliminate this risk, and gives you piece of mind in the process.

The right system will keep the good stuff

When it comes to water filtration, there is an ongoing trend among many enthusiasts called ‘reverse osmosis’, which removes ions and molecules from your water, as well as any larger particles. However, there is little benefit from drinking water that is completely devoid of any minerals.

Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium are all beneficial and are often found in many water supplies. Removing these elements makes little sense when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

It’s therefore important to ensure that your filtration system allows these beneficial elements to stay in the water supply. If in doubt, then do not hesitate to talk to an expert: contact Anglian Pumping today for more information on our water filtration systems. We stock filters from top brands such as Wedeco.