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Here at Anglian Pumping Services, we pride ourselves on stocking a wide variety of different pumps. As we’re sure you are aware, not all pumps function in the same way for the same purpose. Each of our pumps is suited to a different task/set of circumstances. But how can you choose the right pump for you? There are several factors that you must take into account when choosing a pump: we’ll explain them in this blog post.

1. Depth of water

How deep is the body of water you need to pump? Believe it or not, the depth of the water makes a huge difference to the type of pump you should use. If you have a relatively deep body of water, you can utilise a pump that needs to be submerged, such as a submersible pump or a centrifugal pump. These types of pump are very efficient and reliable, so if your body of water is deep enough, we recommend using them.

However, if you have to pump water from a shallower repository, you will need to choose a pump that can suck water up without being completely submerged in it. For example, if you want to pump rainwater that has collected on the ground around your house, you should consider investing in one of our dedicated rainwater harvesting pumps.

2. Quantity of water

It’s important to consider the overall quantity of water that you will need to pump as well as its depth. Pumps are available in a wide variety of different sizes and with different levels of power. If you want to pump a lot of water regularly, you’re going to need to invest in a larger, more powerful pump such as. However, if you only need to pump a relatively small quantity of water at any given time, you can opt for a smaller model.

3. Viscosity of liquid

So far, we’ve assumed that you need to pump water. However, if you need to pump another, more viscous liquid, this will affect your choice of pump. Not all types of pump are designed to deal with very viscous liquids. For example, we recommend that you don’t use a centrifugal pump to pump mud. If you do need to deal with a fluid that’s more viscous than water, we suggest that you get in touch with us to discuss your exact requirements. Most of our pumps are designed to move water, but we may have a solution that fits your needs (depending on just how viscous the fluid you need to pump is).

We offer a wide variety of different types of pumps here at Anglian Pumping Services, so it’s important that you know exactly what your requirements are before consulting our products pages. Feel free to contact us for more information by filling in our enquiry form or calling us on 01473 719950